Turn off auto renew

All of our numbers are auto-renewable by default to avoid any service interruptions.

Once you've decided that number is not needed anymore, you can easily release it by one mouse click on the page of Number Settings. Please be sure to delete the number before the date of auto-renewing to avoid upcoming payment.

Certainly, you will have a chance to restore the number during a particular time for an extra fee.

Auto-renew On/Off functionality is available with the Premium account.


Some information we feel will be useful for you:
—  Can I be sure that number wasn't used before?
—  How many numbers can I have under my account?
—  Reuse
—  Why is number partly masked?
—  Why my phone number is gone?
—  How to restore released number?
—  Can I exchange my number?
—  Can I have a number for one SMS only?
—  How many SMS numbers you can provide?
—  What type of phone numbers you provide?
—  Number expiration
—  Turn off auto renew